Julia Powles
Julia is an artist, curator and writer, with a background in fine art conservation and lecturing. Having trained originally in drawing and painting her art practice now includes film and video work. In 2007 she completed her Master by Research at the University of Melbourne, and in 2013 Julia was awarded a Master of Art Curatorship (Uni Melb). Julia has been the recipient of a range of awards and scholarships for both her art practice and curatorial projects, including three Australia Council for the Arts Project and New Work Grants (most recently in 2015), Arts Victoria Project Grant funding, and City of Melbourne Development Grant funding.
Julia worked for over a decade as an arts educator, primarily as a lecturer for RMIT University in the field of Fine Arts, before shifting her focus in 2011 to the museum industry where she has worked on projects for the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art and the Ian Potter Centre. Currently Julia is employed as Exhibition Manger at Heide Museum of Modern Art.
In 2013 Julia established an independent curatorial practice, working as a freelance curator on both autonomous and collaborative projects. An advocate for emerging and experimental art practice, Julia was a board member of Kings Artist Run, an independent arts collective, from 2012 -2016