Asquith’s work engages with both traditional notions of mark making and contemporary abstraction. Typically using spray acrylic, paint markers and enamel paint on paper, board or canvas, he interweaves modern materials with primitive symbolism to negate the traditional boundaries of composition. By collapsing the aesthetic foundations in his work, Asquith has created a unique abstract visual language to express a contemporary experience of hybrid visual cultures and interrogate the manner by which images are constructed today.
Steven Asquith completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts at RMIT in 2000. Asquith was a participant in an international exchange with Exit Art in New York in 2000. He has lived and worked in both New York and London and held a position at Gagosian Gallery, London from 2001 to 2005. He established The Ship Gallery, an artist run space in London with Dick Evans in 2003 in association with the British Arts Council and was one of the Founding Directors of Block Projects, Melbourne, 2007.